Monday, May 21, 2007

Hooray! I'll see most of you this weekend.
Carol and Barb- may we bring Penny? Will it cause a problem? She's been agitated when she thinks she's alone(like when Michael is in Connecticut, I am at Weight Watchers or Laurie and Walter's, Ilana is downstairs or Bruce is downstairs using Ilana's faster computer to do fantasy sport computations). Also, over this weekend, apparantly she got into Michael's Lindt chocolate cubes. Other than having a sugar high she seems to be ok. In any case, Bruce, Cathy, Michael and Audra, and Ilana (and Penny if it's ok) will be traveling to Branchport on Friday during the day. See you all, soon. The weekend sounds like an action packed celebration! Can't wait!

Doug, J and Ian,
Thank you for the good care of Dad. We will talk on the weekend about a visit to Long Island soon. Where is the psychiatrist that Dad is seeing, in Hornell, Wellsville? Is he covered by Medicaid for visits?
Look forward to seeing you at the end of the week!

Love and Hugs to all the family,

1 comment:

Doug said...

Hi Cathy,
Yikes, chocolate is supposed to be toxic to dogs. . . glad she's ok.
I am frustrated with outcomes not meeting expectations (for Dad's care), nor working toward what's intended (more on that in person).
Dad's psych. is at the Counseling Center in Wellsville. Dad only has Medicare A. His hospitalization and rehab. evidently was pretty well covered, but not E.R. and office visits and other diagnostics.
I'll bring stuff so we can discuss.
Do you expect to be in by supper time?