Sunday, November 11, 2007

How does doing something active give a person energy?

What a difference some dancing with one's spouse and friends, getting some work done, and some sunshine can make! But somehow I know that even those things aren't all that's behind my feeling better about things. It's not magic, but it's not entirely in my control, I'm certain. On a day-to-day basis, I can often will myself to not dwell as much on my difficulties, get busy and do what I know needs to be done, and move along. But a couple of weeks ago, none of that worked. Then I was about as enervated as I have ever been, but still was not confined to my bed. Today, I feel rejuvenated and as eager to get things done, as I ever have. Inexplicable, since my situation has not changed a lot. But Jeanette and Ian and I took Ly and Walter and Rein to Geneseo for a dance last night, and I woke up this morning feeling as energetic as I have in months. Such things are fickle, though. I wish I knew (and I'm certain I'm not the first to wish so) from whence such things arise. It could be gone by this afternoon.


Doug said...

Alas, all my drive and energy had, in fact, dissipated by the afternoon. But I keep trying.

I suppose the answer to part of my title question is that certain activities cause dopamine compounds to be produced. But the variations in how I feel when I wake up on subsequent days can be so extreme, to say nothing of how it can roller-coaster throughout a day. And, unfortunately, I can sometimes be very susceptible to changing circumstances, going from gung-ho to despondent in seconds . . . c'est la vie.

Unknown said...

I know from many years of dealing with depression, that any activity will improve mood. And from studying anatomy and physiology in massage school, that physical activity stimulates blood and lymph and all that wonderful biochemistry that our bodies perform automatically/naturally. So I feel quite confident that brain chemistry which affects mood is changed. I can remember being very depressed when Aaron and I first went to WA and that somehow I managed to get myself up and out of the house for a water aerobics class three times a week. I know that it was an effort for me, but I also believe that it probably saved me from committing suicide. I was so lonely and so isolated and probably clinically depressed with no professional help or support network, to say nothing of medical help for my mental illness. It was during that period that I finally got into therapy and began the process of dealing with my dysfunction. I have always felt grateful for that class keeping me afloat during a lousy time for me. And that is what I have to say about that! (big toothy grin) Carol