Saturday, May 12, 2007

Should I?

Hello Siblings,
Should I open this blog to our respective children?
Or should I only include them in the cousins blog?
Please let me know what you think.

Also, I understand Sherm will not be at Carol and Barb's on Memorial Day. Will everyone else be there?

How many of you can come to Alfred for the week-end of July 21? That is the occasion on which Dad's 70th high-school reunion will be celebrated. I hope we can all be here for that one. I've contacted some of his classmates and, of course, Hub Watson recently died, so he won't be there for that one. But I have been in touch with his sons and am trying to get the movie of Dad and Hub and Lloyd Watson converted to digital format. I need to get busy putting together a short show for the the A-ACS banquet, to honor the class of '37.

More later,

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