Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's all real

I haven't had a chance to get back to my everyday life, but I assure you that where I am is very real.
Carol and Barb and I were talking about the money situation, and what we came up with is that Medicare should take care of a lot of stuff and Barb will help me apply to Medicaid for more of it. We'll also apply for charitable assistance, and we'll work out arrangements for the rest, either to pay on time or whatever. We agreed that we want to keep the stocks so that 33 can stay in the family. I figure renting out the upstairs apartment and using the 1st floor as a museum/family history research center, etc. will help pay bills and allow the house to be a useful place. There is still room for Sherm to live there in retirement, and other arrangements can be made, if needed. My remarks about not knowing how to pay for things were not despondent, but were said out of lack of information, some of which Barb has provided. We'll work through the rest of it.
The other part of all this is that none of us feel up to taking care of Dad around the clock, and doing so would deprive the caretaker(s) of being able to enjoy his company. Add to that the fact that he seems to resist help from family members, and you get the picture. Barb believes that in-home hospice qualifies Dad for Medicare coverage, whereas nursing home care would mean that all Dad's assets, even those transferred within the last 3 years, would have to be liquidated to cover the expense. Anyway, I think there's light at the end of the tunnel, and I think we can work it all out. It will just take some doing.

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